If you want to see what is included in each of the sets, or make sure that a certain Pokemon is there, you can check them out here. Pixelmon adds many aspects of the Pokmon into Minecraft, including the Pokmon themselves, battling, trading, and breeding. You can choose to add the Pokemon into your Sims 4 game in sets, which are clearly laid out, or by each individual Pokemon, so that you can choose just your favorites. All of the favorites are there, the starters and their evolutions, legendary Pokemon, and Pikachu of course. This gives you the chance to battle and catch Pokémon, enter Gyms to challenge its leaders, and rise as the best Pokémon Trainer of your world. There is a mod called Pokemon Sets available, from Tumblr user winglysimmer-hiatus, that allows you to add a load of Pokemon across every generation into the game as objects. Here’s everything you need to know so that you can add Pokemon into your Sims 4 game. If you’re a Pokemon fan and want to combine your love for that franchise with your Sims 4 exploits, then you’ll be pleased to hear that you are able to with the help of a mod.

Select ‘’Other’’ and check the ‘’Enable Custom Content and Mods’’ box. How To Download CC For Sims 4 Go to the Menu and then Game Options. Whether they be quality of life mods that improve certain aspects of the game, mods that change how your sims act in the game’s world, or simply mods that simply add some of your favorite things into the game, there’s surely something to match what you are looking for. CC is content created by fans of the game. There’s plenty of Sims 4 mods available on the internet.

How to Get Pokemon in the Game with The Sims 4 Mod